Stranton Primary School

Stranton Primary School
Only the best is good enough

Statutory Foundation Subjects

As part of the planning for the full return to school, how the curriculum will be taught from September through into the spring term has been carefully planned to ensure that all children receive a broad and balanced curriculum, which is vital for our children’s education and wellbeing. Alongside the catch-up curriculum for English and maths, as a trust, we recognise that all children must continue to be taught a wide range of subjects, as well as catch-up on what they have missed.

The information set out below, provides the details of the planning and preparation for the new interim curriculum. 


  • During weeks 1-6, statutory foundation subjects will be taught; PSHE, PE and RE. Where possible, current year group objectives will be weaved with previous year group objectives to allow for more coverage. For example, throwing and catching objectives from Year 1 and Year 2. 
  • Where learning does not link to previous year groups, a 10 minute revisit will be used at the start of each lesson to allow for catch up.
  • No formal recording will take place until after our 3 week ‘Getting to Know You’ period.
  • Staff will make effective use of regular formative assessment. For example, quizzes, whiteboard work, observing pupils in class, talking to pupils and scrutiny of work to assess understanding.


  • On return to school, for the first three weeks children will be taught a catch up curriculum PSHE, PE, RE, Science. 
  • Children will be taught objectives from their current year group.  
  • During these weeks, there will be more allocated time to the teaching of these subjects, including an additional 1 hour catch up session each day for English and Maths.  
  • Due to the amount of curriculum that has been missed, objectives may need to be condensed and weaved together to aim for full coverage of the curriculum. 
  • Within these subjects, teaching should begin where you stopped teaching before Christmas. Objectives that have already been taught during remote learning, may only need a revisit session to consolidate learning.   
  • Wellbeing and social interaction will play a huge role in getting our children back into school. For this reason, for the first three weeks, a 15 minute ‘Stranton Social’ will take place in each day in every class across school. This 15 minute session will focus on interactions and social skills. These sessions will create a ‘buzz’ across school with children enjoying engaging with their peers and teachers again.